Guitar Inspiration offers many free resources (videos, guitar tabs, lessons). This is possible thanks to community support, such as buying something from my shop or making a one-time donation at buymeacoffee.com. Here’s what my amazing coffee crew is saying:
Dear Maarten, thank you so much for these wonderful lessons. I had quit guitar after so many years because I could not create anything, but instead just copy my favorite guitarists’ work, which was so unfulfilling. After stumbling on to your lessons, I am excited to pick up the guitar soon and start making music, and not just playing it. Thank you.
Your work is outstanding and deserves support. You have inspired me in playing my guitar again after so many years. I will learn a lot from you. Keep it up!
Maarten, thank yoo for the melodic solo 2 video you are the BEST!
super Maarten. Echt inspiratie! dank je wel!
Just stumbled on your site after searching for years for somebody that plays as smoothly and with such great character. Your solos have a great theme to them and purpose. Amazing work and best of all you're giving me 80 to 150 bars not just the typical 12 bar tees at most sites have. Thank you!!!
Fan! Als mens, leraar en gitarist. 😉 Dat verdient mijn 'support'!
Thanks a lot Maarten, I am finally practicing my triads in a logical way and quickly gatting better in organizing the shapes. Started from Melodic Solos 1 & 2 and look forward to digging your Blues Lessons!
Came across your channel yesterday, had a great time with the Slow Blues Solo Am. I am a self taught - blues wannabe. The triple notes on page 3 was a huge impact. Look forward to the rest of your videos.
Your play is great!
Je suis français,62 ans,merci pour les vidéos et tablatures vraiment excellent,attention pas trop de café🤘🎸🎸
Thanks for the free tabs. I'm learning a lot from your videos and tabs.
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