Download the free lesson guide for this Blues Lick Lesson #4 here:
In this 4th blues lick lesson, I show you how to play this OUTRO blues lick in the E major blues scale. This lick uses some concepts, like the use of double time and rock & roll patterns.
This is mostly an E major blues lick that is used as an outro, but you can use it in other places as well. It is a very rhythmic lick played in the 12th position on the guitar neck.
In this blues lick lesson, you get the guitar tabs on screen, a detailed explanation of the picking technique, 3 variations on a common blues lick pattern, a bit of background on where I got these guitar licks
Practice this lick slowly first, then with the backing track on my channel. Try to use it in different places of a 12 bar blues, for example, to connect the I to the IV chord in bar 4 of a blues. The lick is also easily transposable to other major blues songs, so I hope you’ll get some mileage out of this one.
In any case, try to make the double-time part of your improvisation. I love this concept because it adds another rhythmic dimension to the story you’re trying to tell with your instrument.
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Product Info
- Digital Download Package
- Instantly available after purchase
- Original Jam Track (extended version of the backing track) (length: 05:10)
- High Quality Audio (MP3+WAV)
- This track is a perfect companion to learn to improvise on a blues shuffle.
- License included to use the tracks on your own social media.
- 3 files (1 x .MP3, 1 x .WAV and license file)
- Total File Size: 90,2 MB
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